Important Update - Policy Change - Please Read!
Please Inspect all parts when you receive your shipment!
All customers have up to 7 days from the date the order was received to contact us for any issue such as; missing parts, wrong parts sent. After the 7 days we will assume your shipment was good and no further action can be taken.
Damaged Goods
We pride ourselves on the quality of our packaging. We inspect all our products when preparing your order and will not ship items that are damaged. If the items are damaged during shipment, please notify us immediately. We will advise on returning the damaged goods and send out replacements upon return. You have 7 days from receipt of your products to notify us of any issues.
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase you can return it for a full refund within the appropriate time frame. Refunds will be issued on the value of the item purchased with tax, if applicable. Shipping fees will not be credited unless we where in error.
For full details see our returns policy page.
We normally ship stock merchandise within 3 business days from the date of order. Special Order merchandise ship dates are noted on each product.
If sending payments by mail, please send payment to the following address:
Dead Nuts On
Accounts Receivable
PO BOX 279
Sewickley, PA 15143
PA Sales Tax applicable to items shipped to addresses in Pennsylvania.
Sales tax will be charged on all orders with a shipping address within the state of Pennsylvania. Contact us directly if you are a PA reseller with a valid PA resale certificate.
Minimum Order Amount
Credit Cards Accepted
Mastercard, Visa, Discover & American Express. We also accept PayPal payments.
Checks & Money Orders
We accept personal checks and Money orders. Note: All orders paid by check or money orders will be delayed for 7 business days to allow them to clear.
Order Cancellation
Orders can be cancelled anytime before we ship your order. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs if orders are canceled after shipping. If you would like to cancel an order, please contact us:
Telephone: (510) 903-1059
Rerouting Shipments Once Your Order is Shipped
If you would like us to change the shipping address of a package that has already been shipped via UPS please contact us:
Telephone: (510) 903-1059
You can also contact UPS online or by phone 1-800-pick-ups and they can help you reroute your package.
The customer is responsible for what UPS charges us ($25) to reroute a delivery to another addresses during shipment unless we are responsible. Changing an address can add 3 days to your delivery date.
US Mail packages cannot be rerouted during shipment. Please see our return policy for more details.
Refused Package Delivery
Should you have changed your mind between the time of order and the time you shipment arrives please don't refuse packages from the carrier. The best thing to do is accept the delivery then follow our RETURN POLICY steps. We promise to take back orders you don't want so please help us out and follow our return policy steps and we will make sure you get your refund as quickly as possible. Note: The customer is responsible for all delivery refusal fees charged by the carrier.
Dead Nuts On, liability shall not exceed the cost of our products., disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied. Dead Nuts On, does not assume or grant any other parties to assume liability in relation with the sale or use of our merchandise.
Trademark and Affiliation General Disclaimers
"Ford" is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company, with which is not affiliated.
"Mercury" is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company, with which is not affiliated.
"Autolite" is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc, with which is not affiliated.
"Gates" is a registered trademark of Gates Rubber Company, with which is not affiliated.
All the above trademarks make no representations or warranties with respect to any of our products.