Drag Pack Horn Jumper Wire Tag

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Description: Drag Pack Horn Jumper Wire Tag
Model: Mustang, Shelby, BOSS
Model Options: Drag Pack option (3:91 or 4:30 rear axle)
Engine: BOSS 302, 428 SCJ, BOSS 429
Transmission Type: All
Factory: San Jose, Dearborn, Metuchen
Engineering #: C9DB-13A840-A
Date Range: All
Quantity: 1
Date Code: None
Tag Location: Middle of the connecting horn wire

Accuracy Rating: 10
Best Repro Available: YES

Jack's Comments:

Fold over tag on wire so it looks like a flag (see picture). Like all ECS tags they now use the latest 3M backing so it stays on your horn wire.

Install Tip: Fold tag over a wire with the backing still on so you can get it squared up before removing the backing.

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