Description: Carburetor Idle Mixture Limiter Caps
Year: 1967-73
Model: Ford, Mercury
Model Options: All with 2V 4V Autolite, Motorcraft, Rochester Q-jet carburetors
Engine: 289, 302, 351, 390, 429, 429 CJ
Part #: C7AZ-9J500-A
Material: Clear Nylon
Quantity: 2
Accuracy Rating: 10
Best Repro Available: YES
Jack's Comments:
This is an exact reproduction of the carburetor idle mixture limiting caps found on Ford/Mercury cars equipped with Autolite/Motorcraft/Rochester Q-Jet carburetors. See pictures from the Ford Service Manuals for more info.
1967-68 289, 302 2V, 302 4V, 390 with Autolite carburetors (California DSO cars)
1969 302 2V, 351W 2V, 351W 4V, 390 with Autolite carburetors
1970-73 302 2V, 351W 2V, 351C 2V, 351C 4V with Autolite or Motorcraft carburetors
* All applications above should be verified correct for your car by checking the Ford Master Parts Catalog
Verified Applications:
1970-71 429 CJ with Rochester Q-jet carburetor
Concours Notes:
Later service caps were blue in color. Not correct for Concours judged classes.
Other Ford Service Manual Names:
Idle Fuel Mixture Adjusting Limiters
Idle Limiters