Description: 351C 4V Engine Emissions Decal (LATE)
Year: 1970
Model: Mustang, Cougar, Torino, Ford, Mercury
Engine: 351C 4V
Transmission Type: Manual, Auto
Factory: San Jose, Dearborn, Metuchen
Engineering #: D0AE-9C485-AG
Date Range: Late
Quantity: 1
Date Code: None
Tag Location: Drivers valve cover side front
Accuracy Rating: 10
Best Repro Available: YES
Jack's Comments:
This is an exact reproduction of the late 351C 4V vehicle emissions control information decal that was commonly found on the front of the drivers side valve cover. This later version (no cut over date available) has a completely different layout and a higher manual transmission idle spec vs the early version.
We suspect this decal was used after the first 2-3 months of production until the end of the production year (no proof of this).